
Our practice focuses primarily on real estate and estate planning and probate. We practice primarily in Waller County, Austin County, Harris County, and Fort Bend County.

Real Estate

If you are buying or selling a commercial property or a ranch, expert advice can add value to the transaction and ease the process. For owners, we also regularly assist in boundary, title and creditor issues. Although Texas has some of the most lax land-use planning in the country, we occasionally assist owners in platting issues or with disputes between owners.

Estate Planning & Probate

The death of a loved one can be difficult, as can settling his or her affairs. Consultation and proper planning before a death can head off problems before they arise and provide a plan for survivors. We commonly draft traditional, simple wills as well as more complex, tax-planning wills. We commonly assist executors, administrators, and guardians during their service in both uncontested and contested matters.


Along with real estate and estate planning and probate, we provide advice and planning for businesses, including sales, purchases, formations, or changes in structures. We also are commonly engaged to resolve disputes before and with the filing of suit.